Trout Unlimited Bridge Design, Part 1
Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited has initiated a long-term campaign to conserve, protect, and restore cold-water streams in the valleys and mountains in the Interstate 81 corridor which stretches from Bristol, Virginia/Tennessee 325 miles north to the West Virginia border above Winchester.
Called the Interstate-81 Cold-water Area Restoration Effort or ‘I81 – CARE,’ the campaign’s goals are to reduce pollution and thus improve habitat for trout in the headwaters of five major rivers: Shenandoah, James, Roanoke, New, and Upper Tennessee.
The Virginia Council of Trout Unlimited asked Engineering Solutions to design a precast foundation system for one of their projects in Pendleton County, WV. The scope of our work included the drawing of foundation plans that show the cross section of the abutment at each end and other pertinent construction details of the foundation.