Engineering Solutions, based in Harrisonburg, VA, has maintained a strong relationship with James Madison University over the past 12 years. We have performed over 80 projects for the University and continue to be a major resource for many of their structural challenges. Engineering Solutions has been involved in a wide range of projects for JMU, spanning from small structural evaluations to larger construction projects. We have gained diverse experience working in areas all over campus such as the JMU Performing Arts Center, the pedestrian bridge near the Bridgeforth Football Stadium, and the salt storage shed. This mutually beneficial relationship has allowed Engineering Solutions to stretch our boundaries, proving our ability to handle new tasks with innovation and efficiency, while JMU receives timely structural solutions from a local company.
Salt Storage Shed
Engineering Solutions provided a cost effective solution for storage of de-icing salts used by James Madison University. The steel truss structure with tensioned fabric was built to provide weather-tight, dry and securable space with enough room for large transport vehicles to enter, load and distribute de-icing salt across the campus.
The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts
The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts is a major feature on the JMU campus. It hosts a wide range of critically acclaimed artists, guest speakers, and faculty, also being utilized by the School of Theater and Dance, School of Music, and the School of Art and Art History. For this lively venue, Engineering Solutions designed a new overhead canopy. This addition provides protection to pedestrians between the Forbes parking garage and the Forbes Center building.
TEAM Challenge Ropes Course
JMU constructed a ropes course used for their teambuilding program. For this unique project, our engineers provided structural and special inspections of the foundation, concrete construction, connections, and the wood and light gauge steel construction of the ropes course.
Pedestrian Bridge
Engineering Solutions provided the emergency structural engineering services for James Madison University to replace a deteriorating bridge on its campus. This installation needed to be completed with minimal downtime and disruption to the University. Engineering Solutions collaborated with another local firm, Harman Construction, who fabricated the materials off-site using Engineering Solution’s dimensions and specifications. The bridge provides a critical route between the stadium and the dining hall and residence halls and has been used by tens of thousands of JMU students, employees, and guests.
These are just a few of the dozens of projects Engineering Solutions has performed for James Madison University. We value the strong relationship we have maintained with the University and hope to continue working closely with them in the future.