Last week, two of our structural engineers attended the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) 2018 Structural Engineering Summit in Chicago. Michael and Valerie were there from Wednesday to Friday. They each attended several sessions and networked with structural engineers from across the country.

They got to see examples of high rise structural engineering over generations and current high rise projects right across the river from the summit location. They sat in on lectures that included: how to always strive to be better, be the leader you were meant to be, unique examples of wind design beyond the code, tools for seismic design, force transfer in wood shear walls, and proprietary mini lectures about new products. They were able to meet fellow structural engineers, get information about new and upcoming structural engineering products in the market, and make new connections with leaders in our profession.

“This was a great experience and I’m looking forward to putting what we learned to good use with our current and future projects,” Michael said.